Friday, February 9, 2007

Get Driven by YOURSELF

Analysis. This is something, which is done by everyone everyday. But, when it comes to analyse oneself, it’s very difficult. Theories like SWOT fails because its not easy to accept your faults. Doing is difficult than saying. I'm writing about the inside me in my first post as the inside "Me" is responsible for my actions and decisions and not to forget Success. How to go about knowing oneself?? SWOT, Taking other's views or getting inspired from someone else. I was puzzled when I analysed myself. Everytime, I found something bad about myself, my immediate action was to neutralize it by finding some other facts. That really did not help me in knowing myself. Then, I realized something else. Rather than poking on facts where I succeeded, failures inspired me a lot. I found so many ways not to repeat the mistakes and ignore the wrong ways. That gave me an insight to hundred reasons for success. Getting driven by one really matters a lot. Building case studies putting yourself as the main actor help you analyse a lot about situations, decisions etc. Constant effort to the way of Betterment is difficult but if the journey is taken seeing failures, then I am sure, nothing can beat us.

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