Thursday, November 20, 2008


In my earlier post, I have highlighted BCG’s approach to proprietary approach to consultancy. So, what exactly is a Consultancy Practice, how to build it, what are the key elements of this practice? Well, this post answers all such queries. Consultancies whether big or small require certain elements in place to be managed successful. And, practices look to balance consultancy delivery to the customer against the need of developing new propositions and services. A consultancy practice may therefore be outward facing i.e. market facing or inward facing i.e. business facing.

Outward Facing:
Clients, their sectors, markets and business trends.
Knowledge of technologies and how those trends and technologies would enable or differentiates business strategies.
Alliances with key suppliers in order to gain an understanding of their products and services to provide new innovative business models to deliver business benefits.

Inward Facing:

Inward facing aspect emphasize that the consultancy practice’s key element is people. The consultancy should focus on enhancing consultant’s skills and competencies. Inward facing aspects includes:

Consultant skills and competencies including credibility, integrity, creativity and ability to influence customers.
Knowledge of markets, sectors, technologies and business trends and how to continually innovate new business models with enabling technology.
Products, models and services that allow consultants to deliver value of their customers.

I will give more insight on practices and some case studies. Keep reading.