Sunday, August 26, 2007


A Business Consultant sometimes needs to understand that its not all about Business but Technology plays a key role too.How to ensure that a Business Consultant provides a feasible solution which will help the organization measures it current and future objectives.A Business Consultant should develop a BUSINESS VIEW on an organization which will help to develop a broader and detailed picture.It consists of following elements:

1. Business Vision: As the term is self understood,Business Vision is an understanding the current position of the business in the marketplace and where it would place itself in the years to come. Its all about strategically defining the organization's business objectives and the viability and the ways to achieving the objectives.

2. Organization and role:The Business is always mapped in terms of organizational hierarchy and the roles performed.

3.Location and Culture: The geographical location of the company and the staff function and role is also covered.

4.Change Management: Whether the organization and the employees on a whole are ready for a change.The change could be pertaining to the Business, Mergers and Acquisition or a new Role.

Along withe the Business View, a Business Consultant should take care of FUNCTION VIEW, TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURE VIEW,APPLICATION ARCHITECTURE VIEW AND INFRASTRUCTURE VIEW which we will discuss in the next posting.Keep checking the space for more information on the views that a Business Consultant should keep it in mind while arriving at a solution.

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