Tuesday, September 4, 2007

VIEWS of a Business Consultant..Continued.

Function View: This looks at the core business functionality, in terms of:
.Process Inputs: Location of processes and actions
.Process Triggers:Initiation of process and the output
.Conceptual Data Models:The information required for by the functions.

Technical Architecture View: It forms the basis of an IT Solution if any and the consulting required for the solution.It covers hardware,database management systems,networks and protocols,middleware and messaging architecture.

Application Architecture View: It defines the core business functionality in order to derive an application architecture that will support the business in terms of function and data distribution.This area includes the capabilities, structure and user interfaces of application software,physical database design,package selection process and criteria and business data rules of an organization.

Infrastructure View: It includes training, production support strategies,security and back-up,configuration management strategies and tools.

For first part,refer my post on A Business Consultant View

Author:Philip Sadler