Friday, June 15, 2007

WORKFORCE Architecture

We had a lot of discussion on Employee Retention, Employee Satisfaction. HRs planning strategies to give employees a sense of satisfaction and make the organization a best place to stay. We have discussed about Performance Based Approach, Variable Pay Approach etc. Lets talk something new today. It’s a term which is discussed less and is still unheard, “Workforce Architecture”.

Workforce architecture is a detailed blueprint for an organization's talent structure. This blueprint defines employee roles, competencies, accountabilities, performance expectations and development opportunities across the enterprise and clearly articulates how work should be accomplished.

Workforce architecture gives employers a better grasp of their overall workforce composition and capabilities - their "talent inventory" - in relation to their current and future business needs by identifying what skills are needed in various roles and who has those competencies now. This information allows senior leaders and managers to make better, more objective decisions about how best to build and deploy the workforce in pursuit of business goals. On an organizational level, it helps them answer critical questions such as:
·How are our workforces needs changing? What kinds of employees should we be recruiting?
·What are the development needs of our workforce?
·Where are our talent gaps and how do we fill them?
·Which specific roles or job families create the greatest value for our organization?
·Where do our top performers reside and are we rewarding them appropriately?

On a managerial level, managers gain the ability to answer practical, day-to-day questions such as: Does a particular employee have the right skills, competencies and experiences for this role? If not, who within the organization does?

Four key applications of workforce architecture are:

1.Integrated Workforce Architecture.
2.Functional Excellence
3.Global Harmonization
4.Emerging Markets

Keep watching the space, as we will discuss on this applications separately.

Courtesy: Mercer

Please Note that the article is taken from Mercer. The idea is to make ourselves aware of something, which we do not know.